Project: An innovative people localisation system for safe evacuation of large passenger ships
Project Acronym: LYNCEUS2MARKET
Maritime disasters in recent years are a stark reminder of the imperative need for timely and effective evacuation of large passenger ships during emergency. The Lynceus2Market project addresses this challenge through delivering a revolutionary operational system for safe evacuation based on innovative people localisation technologies.
The system consists of:
- Localisable life jackets that can provide passenger location in real-time during emergency
- Smart smoke detectors that also act as base stations of an on-board localisation system
- Innovative localisable bracelets able to send activity data to the emergency management team
- Low cost fire and flooding escalation monitoring sensor notes
- novel mustering handheld devices for automatic identification and counting of passengers during evacuation
- Smart localisable cabin key cards
- Intelligent decision support software able to fuse all localisation, activity and disaster escalation data to provide an integrated real-time visualisation, passenger counting and evacuation decision support
- Innovative shore or ship-launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for localising people in the sea in short time and assisting search and rescue operations when accident occurs in extreme weather, during the night or in a remote location
- Low-cost rescue-boat mounted radars for people localisation in the vicinity of the boat.
LYNCEUS2MARKET project is based on the promising results developed in the LYNCEUS project where innovative technologies were tested in lab and in small scale pilots. LYNCEUS2MARKET brings together European global players in the field of cruise ship owners, operators, ship builders, maritime equipment manufacturers, a classification society, industry associations and important technology organisations with the aim to implement the first market replication of these technologies and products and to create significant impact by saving passenger lives during maritime accidents.
LYNCEUS was the son of Aphareus and Arene, and the grandson of Perseus. He was one of the Argonauts participating in the hunt of the Calydonian Boar. He had preternaturally keen sight, and could even see things that were under the sea - exactly what we want to offer to our present days' Argonauts - KEEN SIGHT - so that they can ensure the safety of the passengers in emergencies irrespective of where they will be located onboard the ship or in the sea.