As part of its continuous efforts to support and encourage innovation in the shipping industry, the Shipping Deputy Ministry, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Cyprus Maritime and Maritime Institute (CMMI) on Wednesday, May 20th, 2020. This MoU formalizes the good relationship and cooperative culture that both organizations have already developed. In this document, both organizations express their commitment to developing a joint strategic cooperation for the maritime sector with the aim of i) promoting and bolstering marine and maritime research, technology and innovation in Cyprus ii) fostering bilateral research cooperation in the Blue Economy sectors and iii) encouraging participation of both organizations’ staff in joint research projects.
During the signing of the Memorandum, the Shipping Deputy Minister, Ms. Natasa Pilides, highlighted the importance of the cooperation between both organizations for the sustainable growth of the shipping and maritime sector of Cyprus and stated that: “through joint cooperation and research we can offer solutions to the real needs and challenges that the marine and maritime sectors face and we can develop know-how and create job opportunities in the maritime technology field “.
The CEO of the Cyprus Maritime and Maritime Institute, Mr. Zacharias Siokouros welcomed this important milestone in the relationship between the CMMI and the Shipping Deputy Ministry stating the following: “We are very excited that despite the unique current circumstances we managed to meet today and sign this MoU with the Shipping Deputy Minister, Ms. Natasa Pilides. Today marks the formal start of a long-term and fruitful cooperation between both organizations on issues pertaining to maritime education, training, research, policy and sustainable shipping. Ms. Pilides has been a close supporter and ally to the CMMI since the moment of its inception, while the Deputy Ministry also participates in the Board of our Institute, contributing to the adoption of a coordinated approach on matters of common interest. We are certain that this MoU will provide many opportunities for synergies and actions to the benefit of Cyprus’s marine and maritime sectors.
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