The Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) hosted the Launching Event on the project Environmental Protection of Areas Surrounding Ports using Innovative Learning Tools for Legislation – (ECOPORTIL) within the “Interreg Balkan- Mediterranean 2014-2020” Transnational Cooperation Programme, held in Sofia on 3rd of April 2018. The Project Partners from Greece, Albania and Bulgaria attended the event.
The Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) presented the Project to stakeholders, academia and research, and business.
The aim of the project is to improve the quality of the environment of ports and surrounding coastal areas by supporting their sustainability through of advanced methodologies and good practices in line with European and national legislation. Among the tasks of the project is the achievement of sustainable maritime sector able to balance between the needs of shipping transportation, the commercial port activities and the environmental protection measures and EU / national legislation. In the course of the project implementation, environmental monitoring will be improved through advanced ICT methods and tools.
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