Blue Careers Album

MENTOR - Blue Career Centre
Blue Careers - Visit Pancyprion Lyceum, Larnaca. 5 December 2017

Ionas Koulendros (Director of MarInEM) visited Pancyprion Lyceum, Larnaca (On 5th of December 2017, from 07:30 to 09:30) and talked about Blue Careers to two groups of Students. 

Blue Careers - Visit Leivadia Lyceum, Larnaca. 1 December 2017

Ionas Koulendros (Director of MarInEM) visited Leivadia Lyceum, Larnaca (On 1st of December 2017, from 12:30 to 13:30) and talked about Blue Careers to two groups of Students (with emphasis on Naval Architect)

Blue Careers - Visit Kykkos Lyceum B', Nicoasia. 27 November 2017

Ionas Koulendros (Director of MarInEM) visited Leivadia Lyceum, Larnaca (On 27th of December 2017, from 09:20 to 10:50) and talked about Blue Careers and MENTOR EU Project.

Blue Careers - Visit St. George Lyceum, Larnaca. 21 November 2017

Zacharias Siokouros (President of MarInEM) visited St. Georgios Lyceum, Larnaca (on 21st of November 2017 from 07:30 to 08:15) and talked about blue careers (with emphasis on naval architects).

