The aim of the event is to raise awareness amongst the younger generation with regard to the Marine and Maritime industry, including Oil & Gas, and explore the abundant opportunities of a sea or ashore based career. The event is organized every year and is bring together secondary school students, university students, unemployed graduates and professionals in one forum.
Furthermore, the objectives are, to present the different disciplines within the Marine and Maritime industry as well as Oil & Gas by delivering presentations from recognised and reputable specialists from both the private and public sectors. Moreover, the guest speakers will highlight the specific qualifications required for each discipline, what their duties and responsibilities will be, as well as their future employment opportunities and career development.
Lynceus2Market partner MARINEM participated in BlueCareer 2015 in Limassol and Larnaca on 8 & 9 October 2015, via its representatives Zacharias Siokouros and Ionas Koulendros.
During the event project’s flyers were disseminated to the participants and discussions with the participants of the conference with regards Lynceus2Market.
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