Project: PELAGOS - A Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

Project Title: Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synerGies in mediterranean cOasts and iSlands

Project Acronym: PELAGOS

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PELAGOS aims to establish a transnational Mediterranean Cluster in Blue Energy (BE) to accelerate the development of BE sector in Mediterranean coastal, insular and marine regions.

PELAGOS will facilitate the deployment of targeted solutions and products tailored to Mediterranean profile.

PELAGOS will coordinate the offering of a consolidated mix of support activities to all relevant stakeholders in BE value chain by bridging push and pull innovation activities and securing social acceptance.

PELAGOS will design and build a Mediterranean Innovative Cluster by connecting Regions and key actors of the BE value chain such as technology and service providers, large enterprises, power distributors, financial operators, policy makers, NGOs and of course citizens.