The launching event of the Cypriot Node of the Mediterranean Maritime Surveillance Cluster took place on Thursday, 27th of September at the Zenon Coordination Centre in Larnaka. The event was co-organized by MarInEM and the Cyprus Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in the framework of the PROteuS project (PROmoting security and safeTy by crEating a MED clUster on Maritime Surveillance) which aims at exploiting the growth potential of the emerging Maritime Surveillance (MS) industry in recognition of its crucial role in the socio-economic development of the MED area as well as in the generation of new job opportunities. Stakeholders from the industry, the civil society and the public sector attended the event, endorsing this initiative. Individual meetings with those stakeholders are expected to take place in the following weeks, in the framework of the efforts undertaken by the Coordinator of the Cypriot Node, Mar.In.E.M, to build the Node.
Agenda of the event can be downloaded from HERE
Speeches and presentations:
- Welcoming Speech – Major (AF) Antonis Antoniou, Director – «Zenon» Coordination Centre (is available HERE)
- Introduction to the PROteuS project – Mr. Angelos Ktoris, Researcher – Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean (Mar.InE.M) (is available HERE)
- Introduction to the Cypriot Node for Maritime Surveillance – Ms. Sofia Maragkidou, Researcher – Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean (Mar.InE.M) (is available HERE)
- State of play and needs of the Marine Environment Monitoring Sector – Dr. Daniel Hayes, Managing Director – Cyprus Subsea Consulting and Services Ltd (is available HERE)
- State of play and needs of the Fisheries Management Sector – Mrs. Martha Foufopoulou, Ichthyologist, Farm Manager Associate, Kimagro Fishfarming Ltd (is available HERE)
Photos of the event are available HERE