Dear MarInEM friends,
Another great project has been launched and we in the MarInEM couldn’t be prouder.
PROteuS project aims at exploiting the growth potential of the emerging Maritime Surveillance industry that can play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of MED area and in the generation of new job opportunities. This objective will be addressed through the establishment of a Mediterranean Maritime Cluster, fostering innovation and R&D capacities, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as transnational cooperation among the involved key actors, focusing on maritime security and safety mechanisms in MED area.
PROTeuS is funded by the Interreg MED Programme, Priority Axis 1 – Promoting innovation capacities in the Mediterranean area for the development of smart and sustainable growth; Specific Objective 1.1 – To increase the transnational activity of clusters and innovative networks of key sectors of the MED area.
More information on the PROteuS Project at