Youngship Cyprus honours the President of MarInEM, Mr. Zacharias Siokouros

We are pleased to announce that the President of MarInEM, Mr. Zacharias Siokouros, has been selected by YoungShip Cyprus as this year’s recipient of the “YoungShip Honorary Award” due to his significant and constant efforts over the years for the growth of the shipping community.

This award is given annually to a professional in recognition of his/her contribution and devotion to the shipping industry, his/her long term service and remarkable leadership skills and character, thus serving as a bright example and role model to young professionals.

YoungShip Cyprus Awards was established in 2016, in order to provide a platform among the young executives of the shipping industry for the promotion and celebration of innovation and leadership.

This year the awards ceremony was combined with the Closing Dinner of the very successful ShipCon 2018 conference which took place in Limassol, on November 9th 2018.

Mr. Siokouros received the award from the Shipping Deputy Minister to the President, Ms. Natasa Pilides, who congratulated him on his work and ethos.

In his address to the audience, Mr. Siokouros referred to the Experience as the Human Big Data “which the Youngships should seek to obtain, enhance and assess, using their own algorithms, in order to shape their views of the world.” He stressed that the “Youngships of Cyprus have the privilege of being close to so many people with a lot of experience in our industry; therefore, they should go out and listen to their stories;” Instead of asking people for advice or suggestions, Mr. Siokouros urged young shipping professionals to ask about their experiences, as “the value of asking about oneself’ s experience is the story itself; not only will you hear the facts, but you will learn about the context and emotions involved in the situation; you will hear about the players, what influenced their decisions and actions; experience has a much greater value than a piece of advice or an opinion”.


Click on below image to view some photos of the event


Youngship Cyprus honours the President of MarInEM, Mr. Zacharias Siokouros

